I'm Dana Ledl a.k.a. MYOKARD, illustrator (and graphic designer) based in Prague, Czech Republic.
This project started as a drawing diary. Things I live, see, overhear, presume, believe, love, hate...
As time goes by, this project changes.
I used to work as graphic designer and illustrator in various advertising agencies
for couple of years, now I freelance.
I always loved drawing, for me it is the most natural way of expression.
I think a lot about life and stuff, I love to dream.
I love sarcasm and I(unfortunately) know how to use it.
I believe in karma, pure love, world peace & other surreal shit.
I hate television, idiots, beetroots...
I am mother of one, which makes me pretty happy.
In case you want to collaborate or you just want to say hello:
email d[at]danasvobodova.cz